Air Travel Etiquette

Is there anything worse about air travel than the passenger who has no consideration for others? Air travel can force you for hours to sit beside someone to whom you would normally give not a second of your time.

By observing some simple rules of passenger etiquette – commonsense and courtesy, really – you can do your bit toward a comfortable and even enjoyable flight.

Etiquette starts at boarding time. Don’t hold other people up at the security queue and when walking down the aircraft aisle, be sure your backpack doesn’t swipe seated passengers as you pass.

Don’t unnecessarily squash other passengers’ bags or coats when loading your bags in the overhead locker.

Go to the toilet just before you board and try to plan to stay in your seat if the flight isn’t too long. If you must go to the toilet, don’t choose to do so just as the stewards bring out the food trolley.

Of course, your general hygiene is most important. Who wants to sit for hours squashed up against someone with bad breath, sweaty body and clothes and smelly feet?

Does your fellow passenger want to chat? Be mindful of having uninvited conversations, especially if passengers are trying to read, watch a movie, work or sleep.

Lowering the seatback without checking behind used to be just plain annoying, but these days it can be costly too if you inadvertently crunch someone’s open laptop.

Finally, it’s polite to not fidget. And couples who can’t restrain themselves from showing too much affection are a total turn-off for everyone around them.